Our School Office Staff are here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website.
Our School Day
Here is a breakdown of our school day:
- 8am Breakfast Club in the School Hall until 8.55am.
- 8.30am Two Year Old Room morning pupils arrive in school via the Nursery Gate.
- 8.55am All other pupils arrive in school. In fair weather pupils wait in the School Yard until the bell rings. In inclement weather pupils come into the School Hall where they are then collected by class teachers.
- 10.05am Infant pupils morning break until 10.20am.
- 10.25am Lower KS2 pupils morning break until 10.40am.
- 10.45am Upper KS2 pupils morning break until 11.00am.
- 11.30am Two Year Old Room morning pupils are collected from school via the Nursery Gate. Morning and all day Nursery pupils have their lunches until 12 noon.
- 12 noon Morning Nursery pupils are collected from school via the Nursery Gate. Two Year Old Room afternoon pupils and Nursery afternoon pupils arrive in school via the Nursery Gate. Nursery afternoon pupils have their lunches until 12.30pm.
- 11.30 – 12.30pm Reception Class lunchtime.
- 12 – 1pm Year 1 & 2 lunchtime.
- 11.50am – 12.45pm Year 3 & 4 lunchtime.
- 12.15 – 1.10pm Year 5 & 6 lunchtime.
- 2pm Infant pupils afternoon break until 2.15pm.
- 3pm Afternoon Two Year Old Room pupils, afternoon and all day Nursery pupils and Infant pupils are collected from school.
- 3.10pm End of the school day for all Junior pupils.
Downloadable Forms & Guidance Documents
- Public Health England – Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Childcare Settings
- Application for Leave of Absence during Term Time
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