Our Vision
At Bluebell Meadow Primary is a harmonious community of adults and children where:-
- The families we serve are consulted, valued and respected.
- Children are nurtured in an environment where they feel safe and can develop academic, physical, social and emotional confidence, resilience and maturity.
- Academic standards are high and progress is rapid and sustained in all year groups.
- Both children and educators are continually striving to improve their skills and knowledge.
- Learning is set in meaningful contexts and children develop the characteristics of effective lifelong learners.
- There are equal opportunities for all learners to make the best possible progress and achieve their potential.
- Pupil voice carries weight in the school community.
- The school is outward facing, welcoming expertise and local knowledge from members of the immediate and wider community and making a contribution to the local area and beyond.
- The school inculcates children with a sense of justice and fairness as well as the ability to empathise and to compromise.
- Learners develop a sense of cultural identity and an appreciation and understanding of other cultures.
We aim to provide best possible education for all our children by:-
- Building and maintaining a learning environment, indoors and outdoors, which inspires and supports children and makes their learning visible and valued.
- Offering a full, balanced and differentiated curriculum that ensures continuity and progression and develops enjoyment and appreciation of the world in which we live.
- Actively engaging with families on a regular basis so that they are fully involved in the learning-life of the school.
- Providing a wide range of opportunities for pupils to investigate, solve problems, undertake challenges and create, either individually or collaboratively, building a repertoire of learning strategies for life.
- Giving encouragement and precise feedback to promote the best possible progress.
- Involving pupils in tracking their own progress and setting challenges for themselves.
- Organising encounters with other people and places beyond the school, in the immediate community and further afield to help learners understand their place in the wider world.
- Supporting learners in the social and emotional challenges of school life, encouraging them to reflect on their choices and actions to develop their confidence and promote their well-being.
- Developing spiritual awareness through a carefully structured programme of contemplative, reflective and discursive experiences.
- Continually developing the expertise of the staff team through partnerships and other professional development.